I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas.
I'm frightened of the old ones.
John Cage
we cordially welcome you to our web presence, where you will find detailed information about our literary agency erzähl:perspektive.
„erzähl:perspektive“ is to be seen as a pun, combining the German words for „narrating“ (erzählen) and „perspective“ (Perspektive). Thus, this match does not only hint to a technical term (narrative perspective), but also intends to be a promise for our authors, who often are newcomers at the scratch line of their literary career. Having started with this business in December 2007, we do not only represent our German language authors worldwide, but also deal with international book and film rights for several publishing houses (see our client list here) in both directions. If you are interested in some more information to this field of our work or in a cooperation, please feel free to contact us. „We“, that is precisely:
finished her studies of German Language and Literature und International History at Munich’s Ludwig Maximilians University in the nineties with final degree of Magistra Artium and state examination. Then she worked for two years at dtv’s (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag) Rights’ centre, and afterwards for about twenty years as a freelancing copy editor for various publishers.
Motto: I am not really sure whether it is art I do, but what the hell may it be elsewise? (Peter Roehr, German artist)
studied Sociology, Psychology, and Criminology (and, what seems to be most important: life!) at Munich’s Ludwig Maximilians University. After finishing the studies with the diploma he started working as a consultant for an international media representative. Agents’ business he got to know by various happy accidents and since that time works within ardently.
Motto: The bigger part of life is bloody bullshit – but the other one is somehow awesome! (Wolfgang Ambros, Austrian singer and songwriter)
Some fellow copy-editors, translators, graphic designers and illustrators. Moreover, our two daughters and two self-confident watchcats who alltogether guard our manuscripts while we are on the go.
Motto: They are crazy, those Gröners! (anonymous)
erzähl:perspektive [literature connects.]